Tips to Maximize Moringa Seed Oil Yield

DP Maharshi
8 min readJun 25, 2018


MOMAX3 Moringa Plantation for seed oil Production

Maximizing yield is crucial to your commercial Moringa cultivation success. While trial and error is one path, it’s not the only option. Among the industry’s most valuable resources are experienced growers willing to share their expertise. Advanced Biofuel Center has researched out to the most important factors effecting your commercial cultivation with view — to help you get the most out of your harvest.

The planting of MOMAX3 perennial Moringa crop for plantation for seed oil production is considered to be a “high specialty “ farming operation.

Essential factors which will determine efficacy of Moringa seed oil production plantation are quality planting stock, Growing climate and Weather conditions at the time of planting.

Moringa Seed oil yield and resource use efficiency depend on successful plant establishment in the field, and it is the vigour of seeds that defines their ability to germinate and establish seedlings rapidly, uniformly, and robustly across diverse environmental conditions.

Improving vigour to enhance the critical and yield-defining stage of crop establishment remains a primary objective of the Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC).

Having carried out various traits and experiments under different soil and climate for years together ABC have been able to produced world’s highest yielding variety popularly known as MOMAX3 Moringa cultivar. Ten years work produces World’s highest yielding Moringa Seed variety which keeps flowering and fruiting after 10 years.

1. Start with Good, Fresh, Healthy Genetics

“The most important thing, on top of everything, is genetics. There are so many genetics out there right now, but the top performing perennial cultivar is only one: MOMAX3 Moringa seed

ABC’s new seeds promise to increase yield from two to three tones of Seeds per hectare per year for a tree of prime age, to more than 8 tones — more than three times the industry average. The average yield of Moringa oil Seeds elsewhere in world has been stagnant at around less than one tone of seed per hectare per year.

The new seeds will also enable Moringa trees to reach maturity much faster. MOMAX3 Moringa tree starts to bear fruit four months after planting and will produce a higher ratio of oil

The MOMAX 3 seedlings are expected to yield 8–10 tones of Seeds per hectare with 2 harvest per year

“The interest from growers in acquiring MOMAX3 Moringa has been extremely high. They see it as providing them with a competitive edge because of its characteristics.”

“MOMAX3 will give growers a competitive advantage in the marketplace, maximize returns for our growers

Book your order for MOMAX3 Moringa seeds here

2. Maintain a Comfortable Environment for the Plant and the Genetics You’re Growing

MOMAX3 Moringa Plantation

Soil is one of the most important resources for man and it represents the foundation for global crop production. For that reason, it requires special care and practices.

The key to good soil performance is the implementation of proper management practices during the preparations stages. Specific practices, which provide healthy and fertile soil, must also be developed and implemented with special care. These practices include:

· Proper soil tillage

· Balanced fertilization management

· Sufficient water

· Protection against various insect pests, weeds, and diseases

Find out which set of field activities is recommended for soil preparation

3. Standard Package of Practices

The success of Project depend not only on the quality of our products and services, but also on the quality of the information we provide to the Moringa project developer. Information furnished to our customers about our products and services, including adequate knowledge to implement , must be useful, accurate, supported by scientific evidence where relevant and presented honestly, fairly and by proper means. Even a superior genotype variety planted in inadequate soil and improperly cared for, will be unable to reach its potential and will create dissatisfied stakeholders. Therefore, Just to develop Moringa failsafe farms to reap the potentiality of this crop we provide a detailed “ Standard Package of Practices” with seed order

4. Maximize Your Canopy

Pruning as A Strategic Practice to Ensure Maximum Seed Oil Yield in Perennial MOMAX3 Moringa

Pruning is an orchard maintenance practice that refers to the selective cutting away of a portion of a tree or shrub for horticultural production improvement. To simplify, pruning modifies the form and growth of permanent crops.

As a practice, pruning should be taken very seriously. In fact, in MOMAX3 Perennial Moringa Pruning is more important than any other permanent crop production. To ensure adequate yields MOMAX3 requires regular and properly managed pruning. Below are three reasons why pruning is so imperative:

· Pruning balances tree growth as well as fruit production

· Pruning improves pest and disease management

· Pruning manages the size and the shape

MOMAX3 Moringa requires a different approach to pruning, one that is specific to its structure, age, and growing conditions. To Learn More About the perfect pruning technology for MOMAX3 Moringa trees attend Moringa FarmStay

5. Ensure Stable Yields with Regular MOMAX3 Trees Maintenance

Growers who want to achieve high yield and quality crops must practice crop maintenance regularly throughout the growing season.

Crop maintenance practices which are necessary for proper crop growth are as follows:

1. Weeding

2. Irrigation

3. Fertilization

4. Insect pest and disease control

5. Removal of standing water

6. Pruning

Each of the aforementioned practices needs to be done in a timely manner. However, the right time for performing crop maintenance practices will depend on growth stage and weather conditions.

6. Boost Yields with Micronutrients

Plant nutrients are the basis of plant life, providing all elements necessary for growth. They come in the form of fertilizers, whether in solid or liquid state.

To ensure good and quality yield, a grower has to provide plants nutrients during the entire crop production cycle. Only well-nourished plants will give a planned yield and more importantly, plants will be more resistant to various insect pests and diseases as well as unfavorable soil and weather conditions.

“The right amount of fertilizers given at the right time is the key to abundant and quality seed yield.”

The recommended farm practice is to apply Biofertilizers at specific plant growth stages so that nutrients are available when plants need them most. After reviewing the soil analysis, the grower has a clear picture of how to treat the soil to ensure plants an ideal growth media. Moringa Crop have strictly determined growth conditions and we need to consider them.

7. Effective Moringa Integrated Pest Management Plan

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an overarching strategy with specific protocols for preventing pests in an agricultural environment by employing techniques for identifying, managing and eliminating pests should they arise. It is a better use of resources to prevent a pest problem from occurring by creating an inhospitable environment for pests, facilitating induced systemic resistance and proper operation design.
With Moringa being an agricultural crop, the solutions to its cultivation problems lie within traditional agriculture. A well-crafted IPM plan is an effective strategy for every Moringa cultivator to mitigate crop loss, increase quality and utilize correct techniques to achieve the desired result.
Nowadays the demand for organically grown produce and products are gaining popularity all over the world. Organic production has the advantages of producing chemical residue free produce, environmental safety. Therefore , an organic IPM program needs to be developed and applies at the right moment in a pest’s life cycle, when the biopesticide will be most effective.
While working In Moringa operations at Moringa India, we have developed a solid organic IPM program

8. Be Prepared for Harvest

MOMAX3 Moringa Plantation on fruiting

Reaping the fruits of your labor is not an easy process, but rather one fraught with risk, potentially causing high levels of stress if not thoughtfully designed. Poor harvesting techniques may lower the harvest’s quality, which ultimately impacts your financial bottom line and can create potential brand and even industry damage with distribution of low-quality products.

Harvesting is incredibly important and often underestimated in scope and importance. Utilizing proper planning will increase redundancy and preparedness enabling successful, regular harvests, which will keep your operation running smoothly.

Designing your operation with flow and efficiency in mind facilitates smooth transitions from production field to product processing, to drying and storage.

9. Know What Your Market Needs Are and Grow Accordingly


Products that commercial cultivators bring to market now will determine the public opinion about Moringa and its efficacy, as well as influence future consumer consumption patterns. By investing in your harvest planning and operations, you’re investing in yourself, your brand and the industry’s reputation. This isn’t just your job as a producer: It is your responsibility to the industry and your consumers as well. By approaching harvesting properly with planning and standardization in mind, you will set yourself up to reap the “flowers” of your labor for years to come.

10. Platforms to know the Secret for Higher Yields in Moringa Production

Just to formulate strategies for developing Moringa failsafe farms to reap the potentiality of this crop for leaves and oil seeds. Therefore it is imperative to gain the insight knowledge and expertise and just to enable the Moringa project developer to do so we have introduced 2 important international programme on Moringa Production and application

1. Global Moringa Meet: Global Moringa Meet is the premier destination for Moringa growers, producers and professionals interested in the latest Moringa production technology, news and policy. The Global Moringa Meet provides tools to all stakeholders of Moringa industry pros use to plan learn and grow their business — whether at the office, in the farm or at factory. It captures the collaborative spirit of the Meet which will be a scientific and educational event covering three major topics:

Section 1 — Cultivation: Moringa

Section 2 — Processing: the processing capabilities and techniques of Moringa leaf/seed/oil

Section 3 — Preconditions: Growing Moringa under aspects of environmental and social sustainability

2. Moringa Farm Stay ( Moringa Farm Internship Program):

The 7 days working in Moringa Field offers a unique opportunity for anyone interested in Moringa to learn and apply General Agricultural practices and cropping systems on a farm scale that maintain or increase crop production while conserving natural resources.

Participants will be able to interact with Moringa specialists and educators, on all issues that may affect their operations. Experts will let you know management strategies and equipment operation up close on hand to answer your specific questions.

The Moringa Farm Internship will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about sustainable tools, techniques, and approaches that can be integrated in Moringa Production and value added production systems highlighting pest and disease management, cover cropping, leaf/seed production, tools and equipment for commercial production

To book Moringa FarmStay, click here

Dp Maharshi President

Moringa India



DP Maharshi

Founder & CEO, Advanced Biofuel Center, chartered Expert, Educator, Global Consultant, Implementer, Passionate Scale Up Expert as Moringa Business optimizer,